A Moment of Hope for Women & Their Preborn Babies

Saving lives from abortion by offering help and hope in the name of Christ to those in crisis pregnancies.

A Moment of Hope is a lawful, peaceful, and prayerful Christian outreach at Columbia’s abortion facility, Planned Parenthood.

Saving lives from abortion by offering help and hope in the name of Christ to those in crisis pregnancies.

Offering hope, alternatives and the gospel to abortion minded women and abortion workers, we are endeavoring to save lives and souls for God’s glory.

The name of the ministry is taken from an actual quote from the first woman who was helped to decide to keep her baby: “I want to thank you for giving me a moment of hope so that I could reflect.”

Equipping men and women with truth and information, resources, and extensive practical help, our presence is saving lives and having an impact on Columbia’s abortion business.

Support Us

Your donations help us to provide moments of hope.

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Learn about the many ways you can take part.

Are You an Abortion Worker?

If you are an abortion worker we can help you leave the abortion industry! For confidential help, call or text Mark at 803-348-1984.

Pregnant? Need Help?

Call or text Valerie at 803-445-5941.